WeKawanua Global

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WeKawanua Diaspora Global Network

WeKawanua ini adalah suatu platform kawanua diaspora global yang bertujuan untuk: - searching kawanua diaspora talents, - creating a kawanua diaspora hub and - connecting the dots of talents. Terdiri dari beberapa divisions, yaitu: Talent Divisions: 1. Social (including Religious Activity and Charity) 2. Art and Culture 3. Business/Investment 4. MSME (UMKM) 5. Tourism 6 Education and Research 7. Migrant Workers 8. IT, Media and Communication 9. 2nd Generation Stakeholder Divisions: 1. Community 2. Government 3. Academic 4. Business 5. Media Hub Divisions: 1. Kawanua Diaspora Individuals 2. Kawanua Diaspora Groups 3. Kawanua Diaspora Events
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To take North Sulawesi to the World, and to bring the World to North Sulawesi.

Created and Curated by WeKawanua Global.
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To take North Sulawesi to the World, and to bring the World to North Sulawesi.
Created and Curated by WeKawanua Global.

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